Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Coming Soon...

Larry has resurfaced, and will publish a few more blogs as early as this weekend!  Stay tuned.


  1. Looking forward to it, Uncle Larry!

  2. Yes, after a journey into what Saint John of the Cross called the "dark night of the soul" I have been"recalled to life" [Tale of Two Cities]. Your mother and I shared a day picking up my new specs, then the BYU art museum. Carol is sensitive to religious art and has cat-like eyes for detail, i.e., symbols, gestures and color. My journey, as you know, was not spiritual but physical: a heart attack and a crack on the head. And [I haven't figures it out yet] an emotional and physical collapse. I was "lost," without compass or sail. Three weeks are blocked out as if with a censor's black ink. I'm good with that part of the suffering. I'm a level 1 patient now--"Prince" of the neighborhood. A kind of aging Buzzy Koonz, whom you will meet in a week or so. Keep tacking into the wind, Girl.
